New Look to
Here at Luder-Wycliffe School of Theology, we are pleased to introduce our brand new Word Press Design Website. The purpose of the new design for our school was needful for several reasons.
First, we needed a more professional and functional website. The Word Press site is fresher and cleaner than the do-it-yourself website template we had prior to this, and it projects a look of professionalism which is of prime importance to any business or educational institution such as ours.
Secondly, the placement of various apps which offer a wide variety of functions, making the website much easier to navigate and explore.
Thirdly, because of the apps placement, much more information can be stored in a much smoother and retrievable manner.
It is our hope and desire here at Luder-Wycliffe that potential seminary students of all backgrounds will find our new website both interesting and informative.