Accredited Online Mdiv Programs
“Accredited Online Mdiv Programs”
If you are looking for an accredited online Mdiv program and are not interested in attending a regionally accredited school..then you have come to the right place!
The highest obtainable Master’s degree offered at Luder-Wycliffe is the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Degree and requires eighty four (84) semester hours of studies above an approved Bachelor degree. Research, writing, and independent study are included along with a 15,000 word thesis. The entrance requirement is a Bachelor degree or other Master degree.
The 44 and 20 credit hour Course Outlines will be determined at time of application.
Course selections will be governed by the student’s curriculum requirements.
The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) is a three year professional degree program designed to train men and women preparing to serve Christ in pastoral and other Christian ministries. The Master of Divinity degree is designed to meet the needs of pastors or other full-time Christian workers, especially those who wish to improve their ability to study, understand, and proclaim the Word of God. It covers a traditional seminary curriculum including Biblical, Exegetical, Systematic, Historical, and Practical Theology.
Upon the completion of this program, graduates may work in marriage and family ministry, pastorate, missions, independent (non-state accredited)collegiate ministries, biblical and theological studies, evangelism, doctoral studies, or teaching in a independent (non-state accredited)Bible School or Seminary.
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of this program will be able to:
1. Verbalize a general knowledge of the Bible, including a systematic understanding of the major books.
2. Evidence an understanding of the historical development of theology, and an ability to support their theological views and apply them to contemporary issues.
3. Evidence an understanding of the educational program of the local church and an awareness of the worldwide mission of the church.
4. Lead a local church or other group by means of biblical exposition, leadership skills, evangelism, and service.
Tuition cost: $40.00 per credit hour
Full Tuition: