The Doctor of Eschatology is the first of its kind…Period! Wycliffe is THE Creator of this degree. The only degree even similar is that offered through the Roman Catholic Church which is called the Th.D. in Eschatology. No Seminary in the world offers the Doctor of Eschatology except Wycliffe School of Theology. We are it! We have made history with this degree program, and now it is offered exclusively by us. This degree program is extremely comprehensive and rigorous…but worth every minute of study. You the student will be of the very first in the entire world to earn this prestigious degree.

With such world-wide excitement and interest in End Times Biblical Prophecy, it is a mystery as to why other seminaries throughout the world had not thought of this academic need earlier. Nevertheless, it is now available to prophecy students from all over the globe.

The following is the course description for the D.Esc. Degree:  (a 56 credit hour degree program)

ESC-740     Historical Eschatology      (4 credit hours)

Historical Eschatology concentrates on the overall history of Biblical Eschatology from Jewish thought and early Church Fathers, through the Reformation up to modern times. 

ESC-745    Comparative Eschatology      (4 credit hours)

Comparative Eschatology deals with each of the main views of End Time Prophecy, such as Amillennialism, Historic and Dispensational Premillennialism, Postmillennialism and extreme Preterism. 

ESC-750   Literary Eschatology      (4 credit hours)

Literary Eschatology will focus on the great authors of our subject both past and present. Such greats as Van Til, Geerhardus Vos, Scofield, Pentecost, Pink, Riddlebarger and many others. 

ESC-755   The Bible and Eschatology     (4 credit hours)

This section will embrace and dissect the many biblical passages that deal with prophecy as a whole. Both the Old and New Testaments will be examined in great detail. 

Bi-510      Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation     (8 credit hours)

While the study of linguistics is not new, it is how it applies to biblical interpretation that is. This particular discipline explores the intricate meanings of words and phrases set within the worldview from which it originated and then applied to the alternate worldview of which it is critiqued. 

Bi-910      Comparative Hermeneutics     (4 credit hours)

Here we will look at the different modes and or approaches to the hermeneutic discipline. Each view will be scrutinized under the light of the known and accepted laws of biblical interpretation. 

PS-635     Theological Grammar/ Public Speaking     (4 credit hours)

One can master all of the many facets of biblical studies and theology, but if it is not tied to a coherent method of communication, then the ability to deliver that knowledge will be severely disabled. 

BI-835      Advanced Typology    (8 credit hours)

Typology is a method of biblical interpretation whereby an element found in the Old Testament is seen to prefigure one found in the New Testament. The initial one is called the type and the fulfillment is designated the antitype. Either type or antitype may be a person, thing, or event, but often the type is messianic and frequently related to the idea of salvation. Here in this study we will discover how with the use of typology one can help unravel some of the mystery of certain prophetic passages and thereby come to a more reliable exegesis. 

MP-810    Research Paper   (15,000 words)     (16 credit hours)

The student will choose a relevant topic of eschatology and then have it submitted for approval by the WTS review board. Once approval has been granted the student will begin his research using no less than five scholarly works for support. The paper must be done in the Chicago thesis form.


Doctor of Eschatology:  Full Tuition   $2,240.00

Full Cost $2,240.00